Historical concerts |
Cycles of concerts, programs to-rykh give a picture of the historical. the development of music or any area of music (for example, piano, violin, etc.), genre (symphony, sonata, romance, etc.). The cycle of I. to. A. G. Rubinstein (1885-1886) in St. Petersburg, repeated in Moscow, Vienna, Berlin, London, Paris and Leipzig is known. 7 concerts of the cycle covered the history of the world piano. music from its origins to the work of Russian. composers of the 2nd floor. 19th century Each concert was given 2 times (for the public and for students of musical educational institutions). In 1888-89, Ruinshtein conducted an extended cycle of I. k. in St. Petersburg in the form of public lectures with commentary (he played 877 works by 57 authors). In 1895, the Synodal Choir held a cycle of I. k. Rus. spiritual choir. music. Cycles I. to. in the form of public Sunday matinees symphonic. music was carried out by S. N. Vasilenko in Moscow (1907-17). From owls. performers cycles of violin concertos with an orchestra were given by D. F. Oistrakh (“Development of the Violin Concerto”, 5 programs, Moscow, 1946-47), M. L. Rostropovich (9 programs of cello concertos, Moscow, 1964), from foreign – Art. Rubinstein, M. Elman and others.
References: Programs of concerts by A. G. Rubinstein, St. Petersburg, 1886; Cui C., Literary history of piano music. Course of A. G. Rubinshtein. 1888-1889, St. Petersburg, 1889, 1911; Smolensky S. V., Review of the historical concerts of the Synodal School …, M., 1895; Yampolsky I., Development of the violin concerto (To the cycle of performances by D. Oistrakh), M., 1946; Vasilenko S., Pages of memories, M.-L., 1948.
I. M. Yampolsky