Giovanni Pacini |
Giovanni Pacini
He studied in Bologna with L. Marchesi (singing) and S. Mattei (counterpoint) and in Venice with B. Furlanetto (composition). Early performed as a theater. composer (opera-farce “Anneta and Luchindo”, 1813, Milan). Among the best operas P. – “Sappho” (1840), “Medea” (1843). He owns several theoretical works, including “On the Originality of Italian Opera Music of the 1841th Century” (1864), “Essays on Music and Counterpoint” (1865), Vol. “My Artistic Memoirs” (1835), numerous. articles, textbooks on harmony, counterpoint, etc. Organized music in Viareggio. Lyceum (1842, in XNUMX transferred to Lucca as Institute of Pacini, later – Institute of Boccherini).
Compositions: operas (c. 90), including The Youth of Henry V (La gio-ventsch di Enrico V, t-r “Vale”, Rome, 1820), The Last Day of Pompeii (L’ultimo giorno di Pompei, 1825, t -r “San Carlo”, Naples), Corsair (1831, t-r “Apollo”, Rome), Sappho (1840, t-r “San Carlo”, Naples), Medea (1843, t-r “Carolino ”, Palermo), Lorenzo Medici (1845, Venice), the Queen of Cyprus (La regina di Cipro, 1846, Turin), Niccolo de Lapi (1855, post. 1873, Pagliano shopping mall, Florence); oratorios, cantatas, masses; for orc. – Dante’s symphony (1865) and others; strings, quartets; wok. duets, arias, etc.
Literary works: On the originality of Italian melodramatic music of the eighteenth century, Lucca, 1841; Elementary principles with meloplast method, Lucca, 1849; Historical notes on music and counterpoint treatise, Lucca, 1864; My artistic memories, Florence, 1865, Rome, 1875.
References: (Anonymous), Giovanni Pacini, Pescia, 1896; Barbierа R., Pacini and his categgio, в кн .: Forgotten immortals Mil., 1901; его же, Paolina Bonaparte. Her Passion for Maestro Pacini, в его кн.: Lives ardent in the theater, Mil., 1931; Davini M., The master G. Pacini, Palermo, 1927; Carnetti A., Theatrical music in Rome one hundred years ago. The Corsair by Pacini, Rome, 1931.
A. I. Gundareva