Fistula |
Fistula (from lat. fistula – pipe, flute).
1) The Middle Latin name for single-barreled, then multi-barreled flutes. On Wednesday. centuries, many of these kinds of instruments (with some differences in design) existed among different peoples under the name. “F.”, and under other names: other Roman. tibia, F. anglica (English block flute), F. germanica (German transverse flute), German. shawl, rus. sniffles, as well as pipes or pyzhatki (in the Livonian chronicle of Henry of Latvia, 1218, published in Moscow in 1938, they are referred to as military instruments of the Russian warrior under the name “F.”). Mn. longitudinal whistle flutes, originally designated F., later received other names from different peoples – flauto a camino (Italian), Rohrpfeife and Rohrflute (German), flute a cheminye (French), cheminey rohr flute (English) .
2) The sound of a special coloring of the highest register (“head”) male. voices (German Fistelstimme, French voix de fkte), has a peculiar timbre with a touch of artificiality, has a comic-ironic. coloring. Sometimes used by operetta artists (“fistula singing”).
3) Organ register. When designating registers, the term “F.” always used with k.-l. adjective, eg. F.-angelica (same as the Blockflute register), F.-helvetica (Schweizerflute), F.-major (Gedacktflute, 8′, 4′), F.-minor (Gedacktflute 4′, 2′), F. -pastoralis (Hirtenflute).
References: Smets P., The organ stops, their sound and use, Mainz, 1934, 1957.
A. A. Rozenberg