Extraordinary musical abilities

The presence of musical memory, an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, and emotional sensitivity to music are called musical abilities. Almost all people, to one degree or another, have all these gifts by nature and, if desired, can develop them. Outstanding musical abilities are much rarer.

The phenomenon of exceptional musical talents includes the following “set” of mental properties of an artistic personality: absolute pitch, phenomenal musical memory, extraordinary ability to learn, creative talent.

The highest manifestations of musicality

Russian musician K.K. Since childhood, Saradzhev discovered a unique ear for music. For Sarajev, all living beings and inanimate objects sounded in certain musical tones. For example, one of the artists familiar to Konstantin Konstantinovich was for him: D-sharp major, moreover, having an orange tint.

Sarajev claimed that in an octave he clearly distinguishes 112 sharps and 112 flats of each tone. Among all the musical instruments, K. Sarajev singled out bells. The brilliant musician created a musical catalog of the sound spectra of the bells of Moscow belfries and more than 100 interesting compositions for playing bells.

A companion to musical talent is the gift of virtuoso playing of musical instruments. The highest technique of mastering an instrument, which gives unlimited freedom of performing movements, for a musical genius, first of all, is a means that allows him to deeply and inspiredly reveal the content of music.

S. Richter plays “The Play of Water” by M. Ravel

An example of extraordinary musical abilities is the phenomenon of improvisation on given themes, when a musician creates a piece of music, without prior preparation, during the process of its performance.

Children are musicians

A hallmark of unusual musical abilities is their early manifestation. Gifted children are distinguished by their strong and quick memorization of music and a penchant for musical composition.

Children with musical talent can already intonate clearly by the age of two, and by the age of 4-5 they learn to read music from a sheet fluently and reproduce musical text expressively and meaningfully. Child prodigies are a miracle that is still inexplicable by science. It happens that the artistry and technical perfection, the maturity of the performance of young musicians turns out to be better than the playing of adults.

Now all over the world there is a flourishing of children’s creativity and there are many child prodigies today.

F. Liszt “Preludes” – Eduard Yudenich conducts

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