Bambir: what is this instrument, history, sound, how to play
Bambir is a bowed stringed musical instrument that was created in the Armenian territories of Javakhk, Trabizon, on the shores of the Black Sea.
Bambir and kemani are the same instrument, but there is one difference: the kemani is smaller.
The history of the bambira begins in the 9th century. This was established during excavations in Dvin, the ancient capital of Armenia. Then the archaeologist managed to find a stone slab with a man painted on it, who holds a musical instrument on his shoulder, something similar to a violin. People in the 20th century became interested in the find and decided to recreate it. The resulting bambir had a sound that could be described as tenor, alto, and also bass.
They play the kemani while sitting, in a position where the instrument is between the knees of a person. With only four strings, you can play two or three at the same time. It is tuned to a fifth or fourth, and its sound ranges from an octave in la little to an octave in la two.
At the moment, this instrument is considered a folk instrument in Armenia; many songs and dances are based on it. In many ways, it is similar to the violin, but differs in its unique melodic sound.