Willem Pijper |
Willem Pijper
In 1911-15 he studied at the music. school in Utrecht, then studied music on his own. There was a muse. gas critic. “Utrechts Dagblad” (1918-25) and journal. “De Muziek” (1923-33). Since 1918 he taught composition at the Amsterdam Conservatory (professor in 1925-30), then was director of the main. named after the Rotterdam Conservatory (1930-47). Among his students are X. Badings, G. Landre, K. Mengelberg. Creativity P. eclectic. Early productions. written under the influence of I. Brahms, G. Mahler (eg, 1st symphony “Pan”, 1917), as well as I. F. Stravinsky, fr. impressionists and composers of the “Six”, then A. Schoenberg. The mature style of P. is characterized by the use of monothematism, polytonality, and polyrhythm. In the 1940s turned to tradition. contrapuntal technique. Carried out the processing of a number of bunks. songs.
Compositions: operas (“symphonic dramas”) — Halewijn (according to middle-century legend, 1933, Amsterdam), Merlin (not finished); for orc. – 3 symphonies (1917, 1921, 1926), 6 symphonies. epigrams (1928), 6 Adagio (1940); concerts with orc. – for fp. (1927), Volch. (1936), Skr. (1938); chamber-instr. ensembles – 2 sonatas for Skr. with fp. (1919, 1922), 2 sonatas for wlc. with fp. (1919, 1924), sonata for flute with piano. (1925), 2 fp. trio (1914, 1921), spirit. trio, 5 strings. quartets (1914-28), spirit. quintet, sextet and septet; choirs – Spring is Coming (De lente komt, for male choir with piano, 1927), Mr. Halewijn (Heer Halewijn, for 8-head choir a cappella, 1929) and others; 2 cycles of songs per op. Verlaine (1916 and 1919); op. for fp., skr., carillon; arr. old French. songs (1942); music for drama performances. t-ra.
References: «Man and mйlodie», 1947, June-Julie («No посв. П.); Ringer AL, W. Pijper and the «Netherlands School» of the 20th century, «MQ», 1955, v. 41, No 4, p. 427-45; Вazen K. van, W. Pijper, Amst., 1957; Kloppenburg W. . M., Thematic-bibliographical catalog of the works of W. Pijper, Assen, 1960.
V. V. Oshis