Which DJ headphones should you choose?
Headphones are another important element of our console. Their choice is not the easiest one.
What to follow and what is worth paying attention to a few information in the above article. There will also be a bit of theory for all those who want to make the most optimal use of their budget.
What are headphones and what they are for everyone knows, but what do DJs need them for?
With headphones, a DJ can listen to and properly prepare a track before the audience hears it through the speakers (while playing the previous track). Due to the fact that during the performance very loud music flows from the loudspeakers, DJ headphones should isolate (suppress sounds from the outside) well. So DJ headphones are closed-type headphones, which should also be able to absorb relatively high power and provide a clear sound, and should also be durable. The left and right canopy of the headphones can also be tilted very often, because DJs sometimes put headphones on only one ear.
Choosing headphones for a DJ – not as easy as it seems.
Each DJ, when completing his equipment, faced an extremely difficult decision to choose headphones.
I’ve been through it too. Not only that, I’ve had at least several models of these headphones, so I’ll try to help. How are “regular” headphones different from those intended for DJs?
Certainly their structure is much more resistant to bending the headband, the shells can be turned in
in many planes, in many constructions the cable is spiral, the drivers in the shells are closed, which means they better isolate from outside sounds, which is very important for us DJ.
Where to buy
Certainly not in a supermarket, electronics / household appliances store or in the proverbial “bazaar”.
Even if the headphones offered by these venues look as professional as possible, they are definitely not. Good headphones have to cost, so for the amount of PLN 50 you will not find good headphones, certainly not in terms of sound, functionality and durability.
So the question arises – where to buy? If you live in a big city, there are certainly at least a few music stores there, if not, in the age of today’s technology and the Internet, the purchase of the selected model is not a major problem (although personally I am in favor of trying the headphones on, personally before making a purchase decision).
It may seem a bit funny, but each of us has a different head. What am I going to? Headphones meet all the selection criteria if they are durable, sound good, are comfortable to play / listen to, or if they fit well. It may seem trivial to you, but there is no greater pain during a set of several hours than uncomfortable headphones.
So what kind of headphones should you choose?
Choose headphones from manufacturers such as:
• Ultrasonic
• Sennheiser
• Ecler
• Allen&Heath
• Everyone
• Beyerdynamic
• Technics
• Sony
These are “top” brands, the remaining ones, but also the most worthy of your attention are:
• Reloop
• Stanton
• Numark
For how much?
As I wrote earlier, you will not find good headphones for PLN 50. I am not saying that you have to spend PLN 400 or PLN 500 on them when you are a beginner, so I will present some suggestions from different price ranges.
For about PLN 100:
• American DJ HP 700
• Reloop Rhp-5
For about PLN 200:
• Sennheiser HD 205
• Reloop RHP 10
For about PLN 300:
• Stanton DJ PRO 2000
• Numark Electrowave
Up to PLN 500:
• Denon HP 500
• AKG K 181 DJ
Up to PLN 700:
• Reloop RHP-30
• Pioneer HDJ 1500
Up to PLN 1000 and more:
• Denon HP 1000
• Pioneer HDJ 2000
The choice of headphones is an individual matter, each of us has different sound preferences. Some prefer more bass in their headphones, others a clearer treble. When we are faced with a choice, let’s analyze everything carefully.
It is worth trying on in advance and checking whether a given model will meet our requirements.
Remember – muffling, sound, comfort – don’t buy something just because others have it. Be guided only by your own preferences.
However, if we cannot check the headphones in person, it is worth looking for opinions on the Internet. If a given product is respected by users and has few negative opinions, it is sometimes worth making the purchase intuitively.