from the Greek phileo – love and harmonía – harmony
The name of the concert organization in some countries. In the 19th century in a number of cities in Europe and America (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Berlin, London, New York, etc.) were created philharmonic. about-va. to-rye promoted ch. arr. symp. music. Similar ob-va became widespread in the 20th century. F. in the USSR – state. organizations whose tasks included propaganda of muses. prod. and perform. craftsmanship, as well as other types of arts (dance, artistic reading, etc.). The first F. were organized in Petrograd (1921) and Moscow (1922). As of 1 Jan. 1980 in the USSR there were 138 F., including republican, regional, regional and city (in large cultural and industrial centers). Promoting the best examples of owls. music creativity, Russian and zarub. music classics, folk music art (songs, dances, instr. music of the peoples of the USSR and other countries), F. contributed to the promotion of the arts. growth of young owls. performers, carried out the exchange of artistic. forces with conc. organizations of other countries. As part of F. permanent full-time performers, soloists, great muses. collectives (symphonic and chamber orchestras, choirs, etc.), chamber ensembles. Conc. F.’s work is concentrated Ch. arr. in special stationary halls, and traveling concerts are also practiced at club venues, in industrial towns and rural areas. F.’s activity played an important role in the development of Soviet musical culture.