Music for sports: when is it needed, and when does it just get in the way?
Even in ancient times, scientists and philosophers were interested in how music and individual notes affected the human condition. Their works say: harmonious sounds can relax, heal mental illnesses and even cure some diseases.
Once upon a time, musicians’ performances accompanied sports competitions. Both in ancient times and now, sport is held in high esteem. Will we talk about this or is music necessary for sports? If it is for tuning, then it is certainly necessary, as it helps a person get ready and awakens the desire to win. But for training and performances?
When is music necessary in sports?
Let’s start with the fact that some sports are simply “musical”. Judge for yourself: without music, performances by figure skaters or gymnasts with ribbons are no longer conceivable. This is one thing! Okay, let’s say fitness and aerobics classes are also held to music – this is still a product of mass consumption and you simply cannot do without a sugary “musical wrapper”. Or there is such a sacred thing as playing the anthem before a hockey or football match.
When is music inappropriate in sports?
Special training is a completely different matter – for example, the same light and weightlifting. In any city park you can often see the following picture: a girl in a sports uniform is running, headphones are in her ears, she moves her lips and hums a song.
Gentlemen! It is not right! While running, you can’t talk, you can’t be distracted by the rhythm of the music, you need to devote yourself entirely to your body, monitor proper breathing. And it’s not safe to run around with headphones on – you need to control the situation around you, and not fill your brain with the rhythms of often low-grade tuber in the morning, no matter how energetic it may seem. So, guys, strictly this: during the morning race – no headphones!
So, music is great! Some argue that it is quite capable of replacing sedatives and tonics. But… It happens that during training, music is not only unnecessary, but can even irritate and interfere. When does this happen? Usually when you need to focus on internal sensations, practice technique or perform counting exercises.
Thus, even music for sports that is specially selected taking into account the speed and energy of the exercises being performed risks turning out to be mere noise for the person doing the exercise. The place of music is in the concert hall.
By the way, works dedicated to the theme of sports were also created by composers of classical music. It is interesting that the famous Gymnopedies of Erik Satie, a French composer, amazingly beautiful and smooth, were created precisely as music for sports: they were supposed to accompany a kind of “gymnastic plastic ballet”. Be sure to listen to this music right now:
E. Satie Gymnopedia No. 1