Horn: description of the instrument, composition, history, types, sound, how to play
French horn is a musical instrument belonging to the wind group, and which is considered one of the most difficult for performers. Unlike others, it has an excellent soft and misty tone, smooth and velvety timbre, which gives it the ability to convey not only a gloomy or sad mood, but also a solemn, joyful one.
What is a horn
The name of the wind instrument has become derived from the German “waldhorn”, which literally translates as “forest horn”. Its sound can be heard in symphony and brass bands, as well as in ensemble groups and solo.
Modern french horns are made primarily of copper. She has a very charming sound that will impress connoisseurs of classical music. The first mention of the predecessor – the horn dates back to the heyday of Ancient Rome, where it was used as a signaling agent.
Tool device
Back in the XNUMXth century, there was a wind instrument called the natural horn. Its design is represented by a long pipe with a mouthpiece and a bell. There were no holes, valves, gates in the composition, which made it possible to significantly expand the tonal range. Only the lips of the musician were the source of sound and controlled all the performing technique.
Later, the structure underwent significant changes. Valves and additional tubes were introduced into the design, which greatly expanded the possibilities and made it possible to switch to a different key without using an additional row of “copper arsenal”. Despite its small size, the unfolded length of a modern french horn is 350 cm. The weight reaches about 2 kg.
How does a horn sound?
Today, the layout is used mainly in F (in the Fa system). The range of the horn in sound is in the range from H1 (si contra-octave) to f2 (fa second octave). All intermediate sounds in the chromatic series fall into the series. Notes in the Fa scale are recorded in the treble clef a fifth higher than the real sound, while the bass range is a fourth lower.
The timbre of the horn in the lower register is coarsened, reminiscent of a bassoon or tuba. In the middle and upper range, the sound is soft and smooth on the piano, bright and contrasting on the forte. Such versatility allows you to transpose a sad or solemn mood.
In 1971, the International Association of Horn Players decided to give the instrument the name “horn”.

The progenitor of the instrument is the horn, which was made from natural materials and used as a signaling tool. Such tools did not differ in durability and were not used for frequent use. Later they were cast in bronze. The product was given the shape of animal horns without any frills.
The sound of metal products has become much louder and more diverse, which made it possible to use them in hunting, at the court and holding ceremonial events. The most popular ancestor of the “forest horn” received in France in the middle of the 17th century. It was only at the beginning of the next century that the instrument received the name “natural horn”.
In the 18th century, a radical transformation of the “forest horn” and its use in orchestras began. The debut performance was in the opera “The Princess of Elis” – a work by J.B. Lully. The design of the french horn and the technique of playing it have constantly undergone changes. Horn player Humple, in order to make the sound higher, began to use a soft tampon, inserting it into the bell. Soon he decided that it was possible to block the exit hole with his hand. After some time, other horn players began to use this technique.
The design changed radically at the beginning of the 19th century, when the valve was invented. Wagner was one of the first composers to use the modernized instrument in his works. By the end of the century, the updated horn was called chromatic and completely replaced the natural one.
Horn types
According to the design features, the horns are divided into 4 types:
- Single. The trumpet is equipped with 3 valves, its sound occurs in the tone of Fa and the range of 3 1/2 octaves.
- Double. Equipped with five valves. It can be customized in 4 colors. The same number of octave ranges.
- Combined. Its characteristics are similar to the double design, but equipped with four valves.
- Triple. Relatively new variety. It was equipped with an additional valve, thanks to which you can reach higher registers.

To date, the most common variety is precisely the double. However, the triple is gradually gaining more and more popularity due to improved sound and design.
How to play the horn
Playing the instrument allows you to successfully perform long notes and melodies of wide breathing. The technique does not require a large supply of air (with the exception of extreme registers). In the center is a valve assembly that regulates the length of the air column. Thanks to the valve mechanism, it is possible to lower the pitch of natural sounds. The left hand of the horn player is located on the keys of the valve assembly. Air is blown into the french horn through the mouthpiece.
Among horn players, 2 methods of obtaining the missing sounds of the diatonic and chromatic scales are common. The first allows you to perform a “closed” sound. The playing technique involves covering the bell with the hand like a damper. On the piano, the sound is gentle, muffled, growling on the forte, with hoarse notes.
The second technique allows the instrument to produce a “stopped” sound. Reception involves the introduction of a fist into the bell, which blocks the outlet. The sound is raised by half a step. Such a technique, when played on a natural configuration, gave the sound of chromaticism. The technique is used in dramatic episodes, when the sound on the piano should ring and be tense and disturbing, sharp and prickly on the forte.
In addition, execution with a bell up is possible. This technique makes the timbre of the sound louder, and also gives a pathetic character to the music.
Famous horn players
The performance of works on the instrument brought fame to many performers. Among the most famous foreign ones are:
- the Germans G. Bauman and P. Damm;
- Englishmen A. Civil and D. Brain;
- Austrian II Leitgeb;
- Czech B. Radek.
Among domestic names, the most frequently heard are:
- Vorontsov Dmitry Alexandrovich;
- Mikhail Nikolaevich Buyanovsky and his son Vitaly Mikhailovich;
- Anatoly Sergeevich Demin;
- Valery Vladimirovich Polekh;
- Yana Denisovich Tamm;
- Anton Ivanovich Usov;
- Arkady Shilkloper.

Artworks for French Horn
The leader in the number of famous belongs to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Among them are the “Concerto for horn and orchestra No. 1 in D major”, as well as Nos. 2-4, written in the style of E-flat major.
Of the compositions of Richard Strauss, the most famous are 2 concertos for horn and orchestra in E-flat major.
The works of the Soviet composer Reinhold Gliere are also considered to be recognizable compositions. The most famous is the “Concerto for Horn and Orchestra in B Flat Major”.
In the modern French horn, little remains of its ancestor. She received an extended range of octaves, it can look as bewitching as a harp or other elegant instrument. No wonder its life-affirming bass or subtle sound can be heard in the works of many composers.