About Us
This site was created to help beginning musicians, especially self-taught ones, as well as anyone interested in mastering some of the elementary fundamentals of music necessary for the ability to perceive (listen, understand and experience) music, perform (play or sing) and compose (record). This is my goal.
The site’s author sees the first and most important task as getting to know a variety of music and unraveling the mysteries of its content. Through his articles and trainings on music theory, the author strives, first of all, to teach musical literacy – this is the second task. Finally, as a solution to the third task, the author will try to acquaint readers of the site with some laws of music and creativity in an accessible form.
The site is intended for everyone who can read and write! The posted materials can be very useful for schoolchildren, students of music schools, studying in a music studio or club, teachers of children’s music schools and music teachers, parents and for all those who love music and want to learn to play the piano, guitar or any other musical instrument.
Please be very active here, that is don’t leave without attention to everything that can be useful, leave comments on articles and write your impressions of music.