Notes on the stave and pictures with the names of notes
In home and school music lessons with children, a variety of preparations are needed. On this page, we have prepared for you such materials that you just need to have on hand if you are working with kids.
Notes on the stave
The first blank is a small poster depicting the main notes of the treble clef and bass clef (first and small octaves). Now in the figure you see a miniature – a reduced image of this poster, just below is a link to download it in its original size (A4 format).
Pictures with note names
The second blank is needed when the child first meets the notes, precisely to work out the name of each of the sounds. It consists of cards with the name of the notes themselves and with the image of the object in whose name the syllabic name of the note occurs.
Artistic associations here are selected the most traditional ones. For example, for the note DO, a drawing of a house is chosen, for PE – a turnip from a famous fairy tale, for MI – a teddy bear. Next to the note FA – a torch, with SALT – ordinary table salt in a bag. For sound LA, a picture of a frog was selected, for SI – lilac branches.
Card example
Above is a link where you can go to the full version of the manual and save it to your computer or phone. Please note that all files are in pdf format. To read these files, use the Adobe Reader (free) phone program or application, or any other application that allows you to open and view these types of files.
Musical alphabet
Musical alphabets are another kind of manuals that are used when working with beginners (mainly with children from 3 to 7-8 years old). In musical alphabets, in addition to pictures, words, poems, note names, there are also images of notes on the stave. We are pleased to offer you two options for such manuals, and you can read more about them and how you can make such alphabets with your own hands or even the hands of a child HERE.
Music cards
Such cards are actively used during the period when the child thoroughly studies the notes of the violin and especially the notes of the bass clef. They are already without pictures, their role is to help remember the location of the notes and quickly recognize them. In addition, they can be used for some creative tasks, solving puzzles, etc.
Dear friends! And now we offer you some musical humor. Surprisingly funny was the performance of Haydn’s Children’s Symphony by the Moscow Virtuosi Orchestra. Let’s admire together the respected musicians who took children’s musical and noise instruments in their hands.