Music festivals |
English and French festival, from lat. festivus – cheerful, festive
Festivities consisting of a cycle of concerts and performances, united by a common name, a single program and held in special celebrations. environment. Muses. F. are different in duration (from several days to six months) and content. There are monographic (dedicated to the music of one composer), thematic (dedicated to a particular genre, era, or stylistic direction), and performer. lawsuits, etc. F. are organized by the state. and local authorities, philharmonics and muses. about you, in the capitalist. countries – also firms and individuals. They are held regularly: annually, every 2 years (biennale) or every 3-4 years, as well as in connection with special celebrations. events. They are usually arranged in cities famous for their music. traditions or associated with the life and work of major musicians (some F., for example, the International Society for Contemporary Music, are organized in cities in various countries).
Muses. F. originated in Great Britain (London, 1709) and were originally associated with the church. music. From the 2nd floor. 18th century were carried out in many Center countries. Europe, including in Austria (Vienna, 1772), from the beginning. 19th century – in Germany (Frankenhausen, Thuringia, 1810); America’s first musical F. organized in 1869 (Worcester). Distribution received international. music F. in the 20th century, especially from the middle. 40s The largest of them occupy an important place in modern. music life diff. countries, contribute to the promotion of music. art-va, the development of cultural ties between peoples. The largest soloists, the best opera, symphonic artists are involved in them. and choir. groups, chamber ensembles from dec. countries. Often, within the framework of F., international events are held. music contests. At the same time, some F. in bourgeois. countries remain inaccessible to the general public due to high ticket prices and are of an elitist nature, other F. are held by Ch. arr. for advertising purposes (to attract tourists).
Most means. intl. music F .: Austria – Salzburg (1920), “Vienna Festival Weeks” (1951); Great Britain – Glyndebourne (1934) and Edinburgh (theatrical and musical, 1947); Hungary – “Budapest Muses. weeks” (1956); GDR – Handel F. in Halle (1952), “Berlin Muses. days” (1957); Denmark – Date. king. F. opera and ballet (1949); Italy – “Florentine Muses. May (1933), Venice Biennale (modern music, 1930), Festival of Two Worlds (Spoleto, 1958); Netherlands – Dutch F. in Amsterdam (1948); Poland – “Warsaw Autumn” (modern music, 1954), “Poznan Music. spring” (1960); Romania – F. im. J. Enescu in Bucharest (1958); USA – F. in Berkshire (chamber music, 1918), Rochester (Amer. music, 1931), Tanglewood (organized by S. A. Koussevitsky, 1935); FRG – F. in Bayreuth (1882), Donaueschingen (modern music, 1946); Finland – “Sibelius Week” in Helsinki (1951); France – Besancon F. (1947), im. Casals in Prada (1950), the Theater of Nations in Paris (1957); Czechoslovakia – “Prague Spring” (1946); Switzerland – International. festival week” in Lucerne (1939); Yugoslavia – Dubrovnik Summer Games (theatrical and musical, 1950), Ohrid Summer (1961), Zagreb Music. Biennale (1961); Japan – Music. F. in Osaka (1957). From the 60s. popular F. estr. arts and songs, especially in Europe.
In the USSR, the first muses. F. were arranged in the 30s. (Leningrad). Distribution received from con. 50s In 1957, the All-Union Ph. Dram was organized. and music. t-ditch, F. owls. music of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, “Transcaucasian Spring”. Since 1962, the All-Union F. modern. music in Gorky, since 1964 – the annual music. F. “Moscow Stars” and “Russian Winter” in Moscow, “White Nights” in Leningrad, as well as music. all-union, rep. F. and others. In 1977, the first All-Union F. Samoyeda was held. arts. creativity of workers, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Oct. revolutions of 1917 (see Amateur performance).
World Federation of Democratic Youth and International Union of students since 1947 periodically held Intern. F. democratic. Youth and Students (later the World Funds of Youth and Students). On these F. arts are organized. competitions, exhibitions, sports competitions, etc.