Mozarteum Orchestra (Mozarteumorchester Salzburg) |
Mozarteumorchester Salzburg
The Mozarteum Orchestra is the main symphony orchestra of Salzburg, associated with the Mozarteum University of Music Salzburg.
The orchestra was formed with the foundation in 1841 of the “Cathedral Musical Society” (German: Dommusikverein) at the Salzburg Cathedral. The orchestra of the society (gradually transformed into a conservatory) constantly gave concerts in Salzburg and beyond, but only in 1908 received its own name, although coinciding with the name of the conservatory.
Initially, the orchestra was led by the leaders of the conservatory, starting with Alois Tauks. A new page in the history of the orchestra was opened by the twenty-year leadership of the famous conductor Bernhard Paumgartner (1917-1938), who brought the Mozarteum orchestra to the level of world standards.
Orchestra leaders:
Alois Taux (1841—1861) Hans Schleger (1861-1868) Otto Bach (1868-1879) Joseph Friedrich Hummel (1880-1908) Joseph Reiter (1908-1911) Paul Groener (1911-1913) Franz Ledwinka (1913—1917) Bernhard Paumgartner (1917-1938) Willem van Hoogstraten (1939-1944) Robert Wagner (1945-1951) Ernst Merzendorfer (1953—1958) Meinrad von Zallinger (1959) Mladen Bašić (1960—1969) Leopold Hager (1969-1981) Ralph Weikert (1981—1984) Hans Graf (1984—1994) Uber Sudan (1995-2004) Ivor Bolton (since 2004)