Maxim Dormidontovich Mikhailov |
Maxim Mikhailov
People’s Artist of the USSR (1940). From childhood he sang in church choirs; was a well-known protodeacon in Omsk (1918-21), Kazan (1922-23), where he studied singing with F. A. Oshustovich, then took lessons from V. V. Osipov in Moscow (1924-30). In 1930-32 soloist of the All-Union Radio Committee (Moscow). From 1932 to 56 he was a soloist at the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR. Mikhailov possessed a powerful, thick voice of great range, with velvety full-sounding low notes. Actors: Ivan Susanin (Glinka’s Ivan Susanin), Konchak (Borodin’s Prince Igor), Pimen (Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov), Chub (Tchaikovsky’s Cherevichki, USSR State Prize, 1942), General Listnitsky (Quiet Don Dzerzhinsky) and many others. He performed as a performer of Russian folk songs. He acted in films. From 1951 he toured abroad. Laureate of two Stalin Prizes of the first degree (1941, 1942).