Gemma Bellincioni |
Gemma Bellincioni
She studied singing with her mother K. Soroldoni. In 1880 she made her debut at the Teatro Nuovo in Naples. She sang on the stages of the Italian opera houses “Argentina” (Rome), “La Scala” and “Lirico” (Milan), toured in Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, France, South America, Russia, etc.
Parts: Violetta, Gilda; Desdemona (Verdi’s Otello), Linda (Donizetti’s Linda di Chamouni), Fedora (Giordano’s Fedora) and others. She performed parts at the premieres of most operas by verist composers (including the parts of Santuzza in the opera Rural Honor “Mascagni, 1890). She left the stage in 1911.
In 1914 she founded a singing school in Berlin, and in 1916 in Rome. In 1929-30 he was artistic director of the musical stage course at the International Experimental Theater in Rome. In 1930 she opened a singing school in Vienna. From 1932 she worked as a teacher at the Higher School of Music in Siena, as well as at the Conservatory in Naples.
Сочинения: Singing school. Gesangschule…, В., [1912]; Jo and the palconscenco…, Mil., 1920.
Литература: Вассioni G. В., Gemma Bellincioni, Palermo, 1962; Monaldi G., Famous Cantati, Rome, 1929; Stagnо В., Roberto Stagno and Bellincioni Gemma, Florence, 1943.