F chord without barre
Earlier, I already wrote an article about barre chords, including how to play the F chord.
The topic of this article is a little different – is it possible and how to hold the F chord without barre, that is, without clamping all the strings with the index finger at once? I will answer right away – in some cases it is possible.
How to play Fm chord on guitar without barre video
How to hold an F chord without barre?
There are 2 ways to clamp an F chord without using a barre – and both of them are for different purposes.
Option № 1
This way of playing an F chord without a barre is often used in fingerstyle:
it looks something like this:
For the first time it will seem wildly difficult or even impossible, but in some cases it is simply necessary to know such a setting. With this option, you will not be able to really play a fight – it is more suitable for fingerstyle or busts.
For example, a situation may arise that you need the sound of an F chord, but at the same time you need to sharply pull the open first string – in this case, just such a setting will come in handy.
Option № 2
You can play an F chord without using a barre in another way:
looks like that:
With such a setting, you can play both a fight and many brutes, but it is advisable not to touch the 6th and 5th strings during the fight – they will obviously spoil the whole picture.
So, we have identified two ways to put an F chord without a barre – and each of them is individual and used for its own purposes. But I strongly advise you to learn also the standard setting of the F chord.